Thursday, December 9, 2010

Linux Print to a Shared Windows Printer

I've seen a lot of these hints on the Internet, but most of them didn't work for me. This is how I managed to print to a shared Windows printer.

We'll start by opening System Preferences, where we chose the Print & Fax preference pane. There you should see a list with all the printers you've currently installed. Click the '+' button to add a new printer. This opens the Printer Browser. Then hold down the Option key and click More Printers; this lets you access the "Advanced" options from the first popup menu.

From the Device menu, select Windows Printer via SAMBA. You can chose the Device Name yourself, but the "Device URI" is a little bit more complicated. It should look like this:
  • username is the username of an account on the Windows computer.
  • password is the password of this user on the Windows computer.
  • computername is the network name of the computer
  • printername is the name under which the printer is shared on the Windows computer.
For example, suppose there is a windows account "nele" (no password) on the computer named "vaste", and the printer is called "kyocera". Then you should type
Finally, select the correct printer model, and click Add.

You should now be able to print to your shared printer.

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