Monday, February 21, 2011

Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Linux and Rsync

This document describes a method for generating automatic rotating "snapshot"-style backups on a Unix-based system, with specific examples drawn from the author's GNU/Linux experience. Snapshot backups are a feature of some high-end industrial file servers; they create the illusion of multiple, full backups per day without the space or processing overhead. All of the snapshots are read-only, and are accessible directly by users as special system directories. It is often possible to store several hours, days, and even weeks' worth of snapshots with slightly more than 2x storage. This method, while not as space-efficient as some of the proprietary technologies (which, using special copy-on-write filesystems, can operate on slightly more than 1x storage), makes use of only standard file utilities and the common rsync program, which is installed by default on most Linux distributions. Properly configured, the method can also protect against hard disk failure, root compromises, or even back up a network of heterogeneous desktops automatically. 


Note: what follows is the original sgvlug DEVSIG announcement.
Ever accidentally delete or overwrite a file you were working on? Ever lose data due to hard-disk failure? Or maybe you export shares to your windows-using friends--who proceed to get outlook viruses that twiddle a digit or two in all of their .xls files. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a /snapshot directory that you could go back to, which had complete images of the file system at semi-hourly intervals all day, then daily snapshots back a few days, and maybe a weekly snapshot too? What if every user could just go into that magical directory and copy deleted or overwritten files back into "reality", from the snapshot of choice, without any help from you? And what if that /snapshot directory were read-only, like a CD-ROM, so that nothing could touch it (except maybe root, but even then not directly)?
Best of all, what if you could make all of that happen automatically, using only one extra, slightly-larger, hard disk? (Or one extra partition, which would protect against all of the above except disk failure).
In my lab, we have a proprietary NetApp file server which provides that sort of functionality to the end-users. It provides a lot of other things too, but it cost as much as a luxury SUV. It's quite appropriate for our heavy-use research lab, but it would be overkill for a home or small-office environment. But that doesn't mean small-time users have to do without!
I'll show you how I configured automatic, rotating snapshots on my $80 used Linux desktop machine (which is also a file, web, and mail server) using only a couple of one-page scripts and a few standard Linux utilities that you probably already have.
I'll also propose a related strategy which employs one (or two, for the wisely paranoid) extra low-end machines for a complete, responsible, automated backup strategy that eliminates tapes and manual labor and makes restoring files as easy as "cp". 

Using rsync to make a backup

The rsync utility is a very well-known piece of GPL'd software, written originally by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. If you have a common Linux or UNIX variant, then you probably already have it installed; if not, you can download the source code from Rsync's specialty is efficiently synchronizing file trees across a network, but it works fine on a single machine too.


Suppose you have a directory called source, and you want to back it up into the directory destination. To accomplish that, you'd use:
rsync -a source/ destination/
(Note: I usually also add the -v (verbose) flag too so that rsync tells me what it's doing). This command is equivalent to:
cp -a source/. destination/
except that it's much more efficient if there are only a few differences.
Just to whet your appetite, here's a way to do the same thing as in the example above, but with destination on a remote machine, over a secure shell:
rsync -a -e ssh source/

Trailing Slashes Do Matter...Sometimes

This isn't really an article about rsync, but I would like to take a momentary detour to clarify one potentially confusing detail about its use. You may be accustomed to commands that don't care about trailing slashes. For example, if a and b are two directories, then cp -a a b is equivalent to cp -a a/ b/. However, rsync does care about the trailing slash, but only on the source argument. For example, let a and b be two directories, with the file foo initially inside directory a. Then this command:
rsync -a a b
produces b/a/foo, whereas this command:
rsync -a a/ b
produces b/foo. The presence or absence of a trailing slash on the destination argument (b, in this case) has no effect.

Using the --delete flag

If a file was originally in both source/ and destination/ (from an earlier rsync, for example), and you delete it from source/, you probably want it to be deleted from destination/ on the next rsync. However, the default behavior is to leave the copy at destination/ in place. Assuming you want rsync to delete any file from destination/ that is not in source/, you'll need to use the --delete flag:
rsync -a --delete source/ destination/

Be lazy: use cron

One of the toughest obstacles to a good backup strategy is human nature; if there's any work involved, there's a good chance backups won't happen. (Witness, for example, how rarely my roommate's home PC was backed up before I created this system). Fortunately, there's a way to harness human laziness: make cron do the work.
To run the rsync-with-backup command from the previous section every morning at 4:20 AM, for example, edit the root cron table: (as root)
crontab -e
Then add the following line:
20 4 * * * rsync -a --delete source/ destination/
Finally, save the file and exit. The backup will happen every morning at precisely 4:20 AM, and root will receive the output by email. Don't copy that example verbatim, though; you should use full path names (such as /usr/bin/rsync and /home/source/) to remove any ambiguity.

Incremental backups with rsync

Since making a full copy of a large filesystem can be a time-consuming and expensive process, it is common to make full backups only once a week or once a month, and store only changes on the other days. These are called "incremental" backups, and are supported by the venerable old dump and tar utilities, along with many others.
However, you don't have to use tape as your backup medium; it is both possible and vastly more efficient to perform incremental backups with rsync.
The most common way to do this is by using the rsync -b --backup-dir= combination. I have seen examples of that usage here, but I won't discuss it further, because there is a better way. If you're not familiar with hard links, though, you should first start with the following review.

Review of hard links

We usually think of a file's name as being the file itself, but really the name is a hard link. A given file can have more than one hard link to itself--for example, a directory has at least two hard links: the directory name and . (for when you're inside it). It also has one hard link from each of its sub-directories (the .. file inside each one). If you have the stat utility installed on your machine, you can find out how many hard links a file has (along with a bunch of other information) with the command:
stat filename
Hard links aren't just for directories--you can create more than one link to a regular file too. For example, if you have the file a, you can make a link called b:
ln a b
Now, a and b are two names for the same file, as you can verify by seeing that they reside at the same inode (the inode number will be different on your machine):
ls -i a
  232177 a
ls -i b
  232177 b
So ln a b is roughly equivalent to cp a b, but there are several important differences:
  1. The contents of the file are only stored once, so you don't use twice the space.
  2. If you change a, you're changing b, and vice-versa.
  3. If you change the permissions or ownership of a, you're changing those of b as well, and vice-versa.
  4. If you overwrite a by copying a third file on top of it, you will also overwrite b, unless you tell cp to unlink before overwriting. You do this by running cp with the --remove-destination flag. Notice that rsync always unlinks before overwriting!!. Note, added 2002.Apr.10: the previous statement applies to changes in the file contents only, not permissions or ownership.
But this raises an interesting question. What happens if you rm one of the links? The answer is that rm is a bit of a misnomer; it doesn't really remove a file, it just removes that one link to it. A file's contents aren't truly removed until the number of links to it reaches zero. In a moment, we're going to make use of that fact, but first, here's a word about cp.

Using cp -al

In the previous section, it was mentioned that hard-linking a file is similar to copying it. It should come as no surprise, then, that the standard GNU coreutils cp command comes with a -l flag that causes it to create (hard) links instead of copies (it doesn't hard-link directories, though, which is good; you might want to think about why that is). Another handy switch for the cp command is -a (archive), which causes it to recurse through directories and preserve file owners, timestamps, and access permissions.
Together, the combination cp -al makes what appears to be a full copy of a directory tree, but is really just an illusion that takes almost no space. If we restrict operations on the copy to adding or removing (unlinking) files--i.e., never changing one in place--then the illusion of a full copy is complete. To the end-user, the only differences are that the illusion-copy takes almost no disk space and almost no time to generate.
2002.05.15: Portability tip: If you don't have GNU cp installed (if you're using a different flavor of *nix, for example), you can use find and cpio instead. Simply replace cp -al a b with cd a && find . -print | cpio -dpl ../b. Thanks to Brage Førland for that tip.

Putting it all together

We can combine rsync and cp -al to create what appear to be multiple full backups of a filesystem without taking multiple disks' worth of space. Here's how, in a nutshell:
rm -rf backup.3
mv backup.2 backup.3
mv backup.1 backup.2
cp -al backup.0 backup.1
rsync -a --delete source_directory/  backup.0/
If the above commands are run once every day, then backup.0, backup.1, backup.2, and backup.3source_directory/ as it appeared today, yesterday, two days ago, and three days ago, respectively--complete, except that permissions and ownerships in old snapshots will get their most recent values (thanks to J.W. Schultz for pointing this out). In reality, the extra storage will be equal to the current size of source_directory/ plus the total size of the changes over the last three days--exactly the same space that a full plus daily incremental backup with dump or tar would have taken. will appear to each be a full backup of
Update (2003.04.23): As of rsync-2.5.6, the --link-dest flag is now standard. Instead of the separate cp -al and rsync lines above, you may now write:
mv backup.0 backup.1
rsync -a --delete --link-dest=../backup.1 source_directory/  backup.0/
This method is preferred, since it preserves original permissions and ownerships in the backup. However, be sure to test it--as of this writing some users are still having trouble getting --link-dest to work properly. Make sure you use version 2.5.7 or later.
Update (2003.05.02): John Pelan writes in to suggest recycling the oldest snapshot instead of recursively removing and then re-creating it. This should make the process go faster, especially if your file tree is very large:
mv backup.3 backup.tmp
mv backup.2 backup.3
mv backup.1 backup.2
mv backup.0 backup.1
mv backup.tmp backup.0
cp -al backup.1/. backup.0
rsync -a --delete source_directory/ backup.0/
2003.06.02: OOPS! Rsync's link-dest option does not play well with J. Pelan's suggestion--the approach I previously had written above will result in unnecessarily large storage, because old files in backup.0 will get replaced and not linked. Please only use Dr. Pelan's directory recycling if you use the separate cp -al step; if you plan to use --link-dest, start with backup.0 empty and pristine. Apologies to anyone I've misled on this issue. Thanks to Kevin Everets for pointing out the discrepancy to me, and to J.W. Schultz for clarifying --link-dest's behavior. Also note that I haven't fully tested the approach written above; if you have, please let me know. Until then, caveat emptor!

I'm used to dump or tar! This seems backward!

The dump and tar utilities were originally designed to write to tape media, which can only access files in a certain order. If you're used to their style of incremental backup, rsync might seem backward. I hope that the following example will help make the differences clearer.
Suppose that on a particular system, backups were done on Monday night, Tuesday night, and Wednesday night, and now it's Thursday.
With dump or tar, the Monday backup is the big ("full") one. It contains everything in the filesystem being backed up. The Tuesday and Wednesday "incremental" backups would be much smaller, since they would contain only changes since the previous day. At some point (presumably next Monday), the administrator would plan to make another full dump.
With rsync, in contrast, the Wednesday backup is the big one. Indeed, the "full" backup is always the most recent one. The Tuesday directory would contain data only for those files that changed between Tuesday and Wednesday; the Monday directory would contain data for only those files that changed between Monday and Tuesday.
A little reasoning should convince you that the rsync way is much better for network-based backups, since it's only necessary to do a full backup once, instead of once per week. Thereafter, only the changes need to be copied. Unfortunately, you can't rsync to a tape, and that's probably why the dump and tar incremental backup models are still so popular. But in your author's opinion, these should never be used for network-based backups now that rsync is available.

Isolating the backup from the rest of the system

If you take the simple route and keep your backups in another directory on the same filesystem, then there's a very good chance that whatever damaged your data will also damage your backups. In this section, we identify a few simple ways to decrease your risk by keeping the backup data separate.

The easy (bad) way

In the previous section, we treated /destination/ as if it were just another directory on the same filesystem. Let's call that the easy (bad) approach. It works, but it has several serious limitations:
  • If your filesystem becomes corrupted, your backups will be corrupted too.
  • If you suffer a hardware failure, such as a hard disk crash, it might be very difficult to reconstruct the backups.
  • Since backups preserve permissions, your users--and any programs or viruses that they run--will be able to delete files from the backup. That is bad. Backups should be read-only.
  • If you run out of free space, the backup process (which runs as root) might crash the system and make it difficult to recover.
  • The easy (bad) approach offers no protection if the root account is compromised.
Fortunately, there are several easy ways to make your backup more robust.

Keep it on a separate partition

If your backup directory is on a separate partition, then any corruption in the main filesystem will not normally affect the backup. If the backup process runs out of disk space, it will fail, but it won't take the rest of the system down too. More importantly, keeping your backups on a separate partition means you can keep them mounted read-only; we'll discuss that in more detail in the next chapter.

Keep that partition on a separate disk

If your backup partition is on a separate hard disk, then you're also protected from hardware failure. That's very important, since hard disks always fail eventually, and often take your data with them. An entire industry has formed to service the needs of those whose broken hard disks contained important data that was not properly backed up.
Important: Notice, however, that in the event of hardware failure you'll still lose any changes made since the last backup. For home or small office users, where backups are made daily or even hourly as described in this document, that's probably fine, but in situations where any data loss at all would be a serious problem (such as where financial transactions are concerned), a RAID system might be more appropriate.
RAID is well-supported under Linux, and the methods described in this document can also be used to create rotating snapshots of a RAID system.

Keep that disk on a separate machine

If you have a spare machine, even a very low-end one, you can turn it into a dedicated backup server. Make it standalone, and keep it in a physically separate place--another room or even another building. Disable every single remote service on the backup server, and connect it only to a dedicated network interface on the source machine.
On the source machine, export the directories that you want to back up via read-only NFS to the dedicated interface. The backup server can mount the exported network directories and run the snapshot routines discussed in this article as if they were local. If you opt for this approach, you'll only be remotely vulnerable if:
  1. a remote root hole is discovered in read-only NFS, and
  2. the source machine has already been compromised.
I'd consider this "pretty good" protection, but if you're (wisely) paranoid, or your job is on the line, build two backup servers. Then you can make sure that at least one of them is always offline.
If you're using a remote backup server and can't get a dedicated line to it (especially if the information has to cross somewhere insecure, like the public internet), you should probably skip the NFS approach and use rsync -e ssh instead.
It has been pointed out to me that rsync operates far more efficiently in server mode than it does over NFS, so if the connection between your source and backup server becomes a bottleneck, you should consider configuring the backup machine as an rsync server instead of using NFS. On the downside, this approach is slightly less transparent to users than NFS--snapshots would not appear to be mounted as a system directory, unless NFS is used in that direction, which is certainly another option (I haven't tried it yet though). Thanks to Martin Pool, a lead developer of rsync, for making me aware of this issue.
Here's another example of the utility of this approach--one that I use. If you have a bunch of windows desktops in a lab or office, an easy way to keep them all backed up is to share the relevant files, read-only, and mount them all from a dedicated backup server using SAMBA. The backup job can treat the SAMBA-mounted shares just like regular local directories.

Making the backup as read-only as possible

In the previous section, we discussed ways to keep your backup data physically separate from the data they're backing up. In this section, we discuss the other side of that coin--preventing user processes from modifying backups once they're made.
We want to avoid leaving the snapshot backup directory mounted read-write in a public place. Unfortunately, keeping it mounted read-only the whole time won't work either--the backup process itself needs write access. The ideal situation would be for the backups to be mounted read-only in a public place, but at the same time, read-write in a private directory accessible only by root, such as /root/snapshot.
There are a number of possible approaches to the challenge presented by mounting the backups read-only. After some amount of thought, I found a solution which allows root to write the backups to the directory but only gives the users read permissions. I'll first explain the other ideas I had and why they were less satisfactory.
It's tempting to keep your backup partition mounted read-only as /snapshot most of the time, but unmount that and remount it read-write as /root/snapshot during the brief periods while snapshots are being made. Don't give in to temptation!.

Bad: mount/umount

A filesystem cannot be unmounted if it's busy--that is, if some process is using it. The offending process need not be owned by root to block an unmount request. So if you plan to umount the read-only copy of the backup and mount it read-write somewhere else, don't--any user can accidentally (or deliberately) prevent the backup from happening. Besides, even if blocking unmounts were not an issue, this approach would introduce brief intervals during which the backups would seem to vanish, which could be confusing to users.

Better: mount read-only most of the time

A better but still-not-quite-satisfactory choice is to remount the directory read-write in place:
mount -o remount,rw /snapshot
[ run backup process ]
mount -o remount,ro /snapshot
Now any process that happens to be in /snapshot when the backups start will not prevent them from happening. Unfortunately, this approach introduces a new problem--there is a brief window of vulnerability, while the backups are being made, during which a user process could write to the backup directory. Moreover, if any process opens a backup file for writing during that window, it will prevent the backup from being remounted read-only, and the backups will stay vulnerable indefinitely.

Tempting but doesn't seem to work: the 2.4 kernel's mount --bind

Starting with the 2.4-series Linux kernels, it has been possible to mount a filesystem simultaneously in two different places. "Aha!" you might think, as I did. "Then surely we can mount the backups read-only in /snapshot, and read-write in /root/snapshot at the same time!"
Alas, no. Say your backups are on the partition /dev/hdb1. If you run the following commands,
mount /dev/hdb1 /root/snapshot
mount --bind -o ro /root/snapshot /snapshot
then (at least as of the 2.4.9 Linux kernel--updated, still present in the 2.4.20 kernel), mount/dev/hdb1 as being mounted read-write in /root/snapshot and read-only in /snapshot, just as you requested. Don't let the system mislead you! will report
It seems that, at least on my system, read-write vs. read-only is a property of the filesystem, not the mount point. So every time you change the mount status, it will affect the status at every point the filesystem is mounted, even though neither /etc/mtab nor /proc/mounts will indicate the change.
In the example above, the second mount call will cause both of the mounts to become read-only, and the backup process will be unable to run. Scratch this one.
Update: I have it on fairly good authority that this behavior is considered a bug in the Linux kernel, which will be fixed as soon as someone gets around to it. If you are a kernel maintainer and know more about this issue, or are willing to fix it, I'd love to hear from you!

My solution: using NFS on localhost

This is a bit more complicated, but until Linux supports mount --bind with different access permissions in different places, it seems like the best choice. Mount the partition where backups are stored somewhere accessible only by root, such as /root/snapshot. Then export it, read-only, via NFS, but only to the same machine. That's as simple as adding the following line to /etc/exports:
then start nfs and portmap from /etc/rc.d/init.d/. Finally mount the exported directory, read-only, as /snapshot:
mount -o ro /snapshot
And verify that it all worked:
/dev/hdb1 on /root/snapshot type ext3 (rw) on /snapshot type nfs (ro,addr=
At this point, we'll have the desired effect: only root will be able to write to the backup (by accessing it through /root/snapshot). Other users will see only the read-only /snapshot/root/snapshot directory. For a little extra protection, you could keep mounted read-only in most of the time, and only remount it read-write while backups are happening.
Damian Menscher pointed out this CERT advisory which specifically recommends against NFS exporting to localhost, though since I'm not clear on why it's a problem, I'm not sure whether exporting the backups read-only as we do here is also a problem. If you understand the rationale behind this advisory and can shed light on it, would you please contact me? Thanks!

Extensions: hourly, daily, and weekly snapshots

With a little bit of tweaking, we make multiple-level rotating snapshots. On my system, for example, I keep the last four "hourly" snapshots (which are taken every four hours) as well as the last three "daily" snapshots (which are taken at midnight every day). You might also want to keep weekly or even monthly snapshots too, depending upon your needs and your available space.

Keep an extra script for each level

This is probably the easiest way to do it. I keep one script that runs every four hours to make and rotate hourly snapshots, and another script that runs once a day rotate the daily snapshots. There is no need to use rsync for the higher-level snapshots; just cp -al from the appropriate hourly one.

Run it all with cron

To make the automatic snapshots happen, I have added the following lines to root's crontab file:
0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/
0 13 * * *  /usr/local/bin/
They cause to be run every four hours on the hour and to be run every day at 13:00 (that is, 1:00 PM). I have included those scripts in the appendix.
If you tire of receiving an email from the cron process every four hours with the details of what was backed up, you can tell it to send the output of to /dev/null, like so:
0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Understand, though, that this will prevent you from seeing errors if cannot run for some reason, so be careful with it. Creating a third script to check for any unusual behavior in the snapshot periodically seems like a good idea, but I haven't implemented it yet. Alternatively, it might make sense to log the output of each run, by piping it through tee, for example. mRgOBLIN wrote in to suggest a better (and obvious, in retrospect!) approach, which is to send stdout to /dev/null but keep stderr, like so:
0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null
Presto! Now you only get mail when there's an error. :)

Appendix: my actual configuration

I know that listing my actual backup configuration here is a security risk; please be kind and don't use this information to crack my site. However, I'm not a security expert, so if you see any vulnerabilities in my setup, I'd greatly appreciate your help in fixing them. Thanks!
I actually use two scripts, one for every-four-hours (hourly) snapshots, and one for every-day (daily) snapshots. I am only including the parts of the scripts that relate to backing up /home, since those are relevant ones here.
I use the NFS-to-localhost trick of exporting /root/snapshot read-only as /snapshot, as discussed above.
The system has been running without a hitch for months.

Listing one:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mikes handy rotating-filesystem-snapshot utility
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# this needs to be a lot more general, but the basic idea is it makes
# rotating backup-snapshots of /home whenever called
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

unset PATH # suggestion from H. Milz: avoid accidental use of $PATH

# ------------- system commands used by this script --------------------



# ------------- file locations -----------------------------------------


# ------------- the script itself --------------------------------------

# make sure we're running as root
if (( `$ID -u` != 0 )); then { $ECHO "Sorry, must be root.  Exiting..."; exit; } fi

# attempt to remount the RW mount point as RW; else abort
if (( $? )); then
 $ECHO "snapshot: could not remount $SNAPSHOT_RW readwrite";

# rotating snapshots of /home (fixme: this should be more general)

# step 1: delete the oldest snapshot, if it exists:
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.3 ] ; then   \
$RM -rf $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.3 ;    \
fi ;

# step 2: shift the middle snapshots(s) back by one, if they exist
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.2 ] ; then   \
$MV $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.2 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.3 ; \
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.1 ] ; then   \
$MV $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.1 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.2 ; \

# step 3: make a hard-link-only (except for dirs) copy of the latest snapshot,
# if that exists
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.0 ] ; then   \
$CP -al $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.0 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.1 ; \

# step 4: rsync from the system into the latest snapshot (notice that
# rsync behaves like cp --remove-destination by default, so the destination
# is unlinked first.  If it were not so, this would copy over the other
# snapshot(s) too!
$RSYNC        \
 -va --delete --delete-excluded    \
 --exclude-from="$EXCLUDES"    \
 /home/ $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.0 ;

# step 5: update the mtime of hourly.0 to reflect the snapshot time
$TOUCH $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.0 ;

# and thats it for home.

# now remount the RW snapshot mountpoint as readonly

if (( $? )); then
 $ECHO "snapshot: could not remount $SNAPSHOT_RW readonly";
} fi;
As you might have noticed above, I have added an excludes list to the rsync call. This is just to prevent the system from backing up garbage like web browser caches, which change frequently (so they'd take up space in every snapshot) but would be no loss if they were accidentally destroyed.

Listing two:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mikes handy rotating-filesystem-snapshot utility: daily snapshots
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# intended to be run daily as a cron job when hourly.3 contains the
# midnight (or whenever you want) snapshot; say, 13:00 for 4-hour snapshots.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

unset PATH

# ------------- system commands used by this script --------------------


# ------------- file locations -----------------------------------------


# ------------- the script itself --------------------------------------

# make sure we're running as root
if (( `$ID -u` != 0 )); then { $ECHO "Sorry, must be root.  Exiting..."; exit; } fi

# attempt to remount the RW mount point as RW; else abort
if (( $? )); then
 $ECHO "snapshot: could not remount $SNAPSHOT_RW readwrite";

# step 1: delete the oldest snapshot, if it exists:
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.2 ] ; then   \
$RM -rf $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.2 ;    \
fi ;

# step 2: shift the middle snapshots(s) back by one, if they exist
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.1 ] ; then   \
$MV $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.1 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.2 ; \
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.0 ] ; then   \
$MV $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.0 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.1; \

# step 3: make a hard-link-only (except for dirs) copy of
# hourly.3, assuming that exists, into daily.0
if [ -d $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.3 ] ; then   \
$CP -al $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/hourly.3 $SNAPSHOT_RW/home/daily.0 ; \

# note: do *not* update the mtime of daily.0; it will reflect
# when hourly.3 was made, which should be correct.

# now remount the RW snapshot mountpoint as readonly

if (( $? )); then
 $ECHO "snapshot: could not remount $SNAPSHOT_RW readonly";
} fi;

Sample output of ls -l /snapshot/home

total 28
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 28 00:00 daily.0
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 27 00:00 daily.1
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 26 00:00 daily.2
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 28 16:00 hourly.0
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 28 12:00 hourly.1
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 28 08:00 hourly.2
drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root         4096 Mar 28 04:00 hourly.3
Notice that the contents of each of the subdirectories of /snapshot/home/ is a complete image of /home at the time the snapshot was made. Despite the w in the directory access permissions, no one--not even root--can write to this directory; it's mounted read-only.


Maintaining Permissions and Owners in the snapshots

The snapshot system above does not properly maintain old ownerships/permissions; if a file's ownership or permissions are changed in place, then the new ownership/permissions will apply to older snapshots as well. This is because rsync does not unlink files prior to changing them if the only changes are ownership/permission. Thanks to J.W. Schultz for pointing this out. Using his new --link-dest option, it is now trivial to work around this problem. See the discussion in the Putting it all together section of Incremental backups with rsync, above.

mv updates timestamp bug

Apparently, a bug in some Linux kernels between 2.4.4 and 2.4.9 causes mv to update timestamps; this may result in inaccurate timestamps on the snapshot directories. Thanks to Claude Felizardo for pointing this problem out. He was able to work around the problem my replacing mv with the following script:
function my_mv() {
   touch -r $1 $REF;
   /bin/mv $1 $2;
   touch -r $REF $2;
   /bin/rm $REF;

Windows-related problems

I have recently received a few reports of what appear to be interaction issues between Windows and rsync.
One report came from a user who mounts a windows share via Samba, much as I do, and had files mysteriously being deleted from the backup even when they weren't deleted from the source. Tim Burt also used this technique, and was seeing files copied even when they hadn't changed. He determined that the problem was modification time precision; adding --modify-window=10 caused rsync to behave correctly in both cases. If you are rsync'ing from a SAMBA share, you must add --modify-window=10 or you may get inconsistent results. Update: --modify-window=1 should be sufficient. Yet another update: the problem appears to still be there. Please let me know if you use this method and files which should not be deleted are deleted.
Also, for those who use rsync directly on cygwin, there are some known problems, apparently related to cygwin signal handling. Scott Evans reports that rsync sometimes hangs on large directories. Jim Kleckner informed me of an rsync patch, discussed here and here, which seems to work around this problem. I have several reports of this working, and two reports of it not working (the hangs continue). However, one of the users who reported a negative outcome, Greg Boyington, was able to get it working using Craig Barrett's suggested sleep() approach, which is documented here.
Memory use in rsync scales linearly with the number of files being sync'd. This is a problem when syncing large file trees, especially when the server involved does not have a lot of RAM. If this limitation is more of an issue to you than network speed (for example, if you copy over a LAN), you may wish to use mirrordir instead. I haven't tried it personally, but it looks promising. Thanks to Vladimir Vuksan for this tip!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" released

Debian 6.0 Squeeze released

February 6th, 2011
After 24 months of constant development, the Debian Project is proud to present its new stable version 6.0 (code name Squeeze). Debian 6.0 is a free operating system, coming for the first time in two flavours. Alongside Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is introduced with this version as a technology preview.
Debian 6.0 includes the KDE Plasma Desktop and Applications, the GNOME, Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments as well as all kinds of server applications. It also features compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.2 of the LSB.
Debian runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between. A total of nine architectures are supported by Debian GNU/Linux: 32-bit PC / Intel IA-32 (i386), 64-bit PC / Intel EM64T / x86-64 (amd64), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (powerpc), Sun/Oracle SPARC (sparc), MIPS (mipsmipsel (little-endian)), Intel Itanium (ia64), IBM S/390 (s390), and ARM EABI (armel). (big-endian) and
Debian 6.0 Squeeze introduces technical previews of two new ports to the kernel of the FreeBSD project using the known Debian/GNU userland: Debian GNU/kFreeBSD for the 32-bit PC (kfreebsd-i386) and the 64-bit PC (kfreebsd-amd64). These ports are the first ones ever to be included in a Debian release which are not based on the Linux kernel. The support of common server software is strong and combines the existing features of Linux-based Debian versions with the unique features known from the BSD world. However, for this release these new ports are limited; for example, some advanced desktop features are not yet supported

Fedora 14 is out now!

What is Fedora, exactly?

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system, a suite of software that makes your computer run. You can use the Fedora operating system to replace or to run alongside of other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Mac OS X™. The Fedora operating system is 100% free of cost for you to enjoy and share.


In recent releases, Debian has been using strong crypto to validate downloaded packages. This is commonly called "secure apt" (or "apt-secure") and was implemented in Apt version 0.6 in 2003, which Debian migrated to in 2005. Since the documentation (here and here) is fairly slim on how this all works from an administrator's point of view, this document will try to explain in detail how secure apt works and how to use it. 

Ampache: For the Love of Music

Ampache: is a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device


Install Samba Server on Ubuntu

If you want to share files between your Ubuntu and Windows computers, your best option is to use Samba file sharing.
To install, first open a terminal window and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install samba smbfs

We’ve got samba installed, but now we’ll need to configure it to make it accessible. Run the following command to open the configuration file, substituting your editor of choice:

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find this section in the file:

####### Authentication #######
# “security = user” is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account
# in this server for every user accessing the server. See
# /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ServerType.html
# in the samba-doc package for details.
;  security = user

Uncomment the security line, and add another line to make it look like this:

security = user
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

This will set Samba to use the smbusers file for looking up the user list.

Create a Samba User
There are two steps to creating a user. First we’ll run the smbpasswd utility to create a samba password for the user.

sudo smbpasswd -a <username>

Next, we’ll add that username to the smbusers file. 

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers

Add in the following line, substituting the username with the one you want to give access to. The format is <ubuntuusername> = “<samba username>”.  You can use a different samba user name to map to an ubuntu account, but that’s not really necessary right now.

<username> = “<username>”

Now you can create samba shares and give access to the users that you listed here.

Deploying IPv6: The Time is Now

On 3 February 2011, the central pool of available IPv4 addresses managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) was depleted when each Regional Internet Registry (RIR) received its last /8 or 16,777,216 addresses.The five RIRs (AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and the RIPE NCC) will continue to allocate IPv4 address space to their members in accordance with their community-based regional policies until their pools of available IPv4 addresses are depleted. It is difficult to predict when the RIRs will run out of IPv4 addresses.
The deployment of IPv6, a newer protocol that offers many more addresses, is imperative to the long-term growth, security and stability of the Internet.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Install Chrome in Ubuntu using PPA

Using Ubuntu PPA
First you need edit /etc/apt/sources.list file
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following two lines for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) Users
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
For ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Users add the following two lines
deb karmic main
deb-src karmic main
For ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) Users add the following two lines
deb lucid main
deb-src lucid main

volatile replaced by new updates suite

The Debian Volatile archive is discontinued starting from the upcoming
Debian release 6.0 (squeeze).  It is replaced by the suite
squeeze-updates on the official mirrors.  Its management will move to
the Debian Release Team, who already manage regular updates to Debian
stable and oldstable. 

Release Notes for Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze), 32-bit PC

This document is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
The license text can also be found at and /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 on Debian GNU/Linux.
February 4th, 2011

Debian Archive Signing Key to be changed

February 9th, 2011
The Debian Project wishes to announce the change of the GNU Privacy Guard key used to digitally sign the archive reference files. Signatures are used to ensure that packages installed by users are the very same originally distributed by Debian and have not been exchanged or tampered with.
Affected distributions are the Debian unstable branch (codenamed Sid) as well as the testing branch (codenamed Wheezy). The Debian Security ( and Backports ( archive also start using the new key now. The current stable version Debian 6.0 (codenamed Squeeze) and the current oldstable version Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (codenamed Lenny) will have their ftpmaster signature updated with their next point release.
The new key has already been distributed via the debian-archive-keyring package and is included in all current releases of Debian.
Starting with the next mirror update this evening only the new key will be used.
For reference, the old key is:

  pub   4096R/55BE302B 2009-01-27 [expires: 2012-12-31]
        Key fingerprint = 150C 8614 919D 8446 E01E  83AF 9AA3 8DCD 55BE 302B
  uid                  Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (5.0/lenny) <>

and the new one:

  pub   4096R/473041FA 2010-08-27 [expires: 2018-03-05]
        Key fingerprint = 9FED 2BCB DCD2 9CDF 7626  78CB AED4 B06F 4730 41FA
  uid                  Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (6.0/squeeze) <>
This key rollover is a normal maintenance task and was started in August 2010. For security reasons Debian's archive signing keys regularly expire after three years.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Manpage Vsftpd.conf


vsftpd.conf - config file for vsftpd  


vsftpd.conf may be used to control various aspects of vsftpd's behaviour. By default, vsftpd looks for this file at the location /etc/vsftpd.conf. However, you may override this by specifying a command line argument to vsftpd. The command line argument is the pathname of the configuration file for vsftpd. This behaviour is useful because you may wish to use an advanced inetd such as xinetd to launch vsftpd with different configuration file

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Creating a Debian server for a small non-profit


  • Boot from Debian sarge netinst CD
  • Configure disks as follows:
    • 2 disks - both masters on their controllers (assuming ATA)
    • 1 Gb ext3 /boot RAID1
    • The rest of the disks as a single RAID1 partition given to LVM
    • Create a volume group called vg00
    • Create logical volumes:
      • 4 Gb swap
      • 3 Gb reiserfs /
      • 8 Gb reiserfs /var
      • any additional space should be allocated to appropriate data volumes like /home
  • When you install the system, don't choose any software sets.  Read More:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Apache and ldap authentication

The project at hand: Setup an LDAP directory that will work with Apache2 using basic auth. In other words, I want to protect Apache directories by forcing users to enter a username/password (using http basic auth) and have the username and password checked against an ldap server.

Authenticationg Cacti Version 0.8.7b on OpenLDAP

I've been looking a method to authenticate Cacti on OpenLDAP, so here's how i do it : 
  • go to configuration,settings, authentication 
  • authentication method : ldap authentication 
  • guest user : no user 
  • user template : no user 
  • ldap settings, server: address ldap server or fqdn
  • port standard : 389
  • port ssl : 636
  • protocol version : 3
  • encryption : none 
  • referrals : none

Friday, February 4, 2011

OpenLDAP Client on Debian Lenny

Not only is OpenLDAP a useful tool in which to store information, such as the names, phone numbers and addresses of everyone in an organization, but it can also be used to store Unix account information. Not only that, but it can store passwords as well, which means that it can be used for authentication as well as authorization. 

Debian GNU Setting up OpenLDAP

The purpose of this article is to give you a straight-forward, Debian-friendly way of installing and configuring OpenLDAP.
By the end of this guide, you will have a functional LDAP server that will serve as a central authentication system for user logins onto all machines in the network, without the need to manually create users' accounts on individual machines.